Top 5 websites to download free ebooks from

For all the virtual bookworms out there, we are compiling a list of the top 5 websites where you can download free ebooks from.

Yes, that’s right – Free!

So, without wasting any more time let’s get started!

websites to download free ebooks

1) Google Play – eBookstore

The free section of the eBook store is one of the best sources to download free ebooks. Google has a lot to offer in terms of genres and languages. What’s best is that you get a fair idea of the book by going through reviews from other fellow readers. Books are available in various formats and there are tons of them to choose from.

2) Project Gutenberg

Project Gutenberg claims to be the first producer of free ebooks. They have over 45,000 free ebooks to choose from. You can either download free ebooks in various formats or read them online. One thing to note here is that the ebooks offered here are free in the United States because their copyright has expired. Readers in other countries may want to check the copyright laws in their respective countries before downloading.

3) Open Library

The Open Library undoubtedly has the largest collection of free ebooks, more than a million !

Open library is an editable library catalog, i.e. just like Wikipedia, you can help in contributing information to and correcting the catalog. You can browse books by author, subject or by the various lists that the members have created. This is a very good website to download free ebooks from.


They are known as a global e-book publisher today. This website is hassle free, you even need not register to download free ebooks. They offer more than 1000 ebooks and textbooks in seven languages.

5) Free ebooks

This is a very good source for a variety of ebooks spread across multiple genres. You can check out the user reviews and ratings before you go ahead and download free ebooks. They have a huge collection and if you are looking for books on different categories, you will love this website.

Do let us know if you found these websites useful in order to download free ebooks in the comment section below.